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Use Guava Leaves To Beat Wrinkles, Acne, Dark Spots And Skin Allergies

All of us have had some skin issues, like wrinkles, acne, dark spots or blemishes. But we don’t need to have a cosmetic procedure every time an issue appears, because there are natural alternatives that can act even better, like guava leaves.
Guava leaves are an effective way to treat your skin. Here are 4 ways in which you can use them:
Cure atopic dermatitis
 These leaves can help with the redness and irritation caused by atopic dermatitis. They also contain anti-allergic abilities that prevent the creation of histamines (chemicals that cause the itching, sneezing and swelling allergy symptoms).
Acne treatment
 The American Journal of Chinese Medicine has published a study which confirms that guava leaves are great against microscopic organisms (acne), because of their antibacterial abilities. Besides eliminating acne, the use of guava leaves soothes the skin and reduces pimples.
Wrinkle elimination
 The guava leaves have more benefits than the fruit, and it has been proven scientifically. They have anti-cancer properties and destroy the free radicals in the body. They are also a strong anti-wrinkle tool, and improve the overall quality of the skin.
Lighten dark spots
 Guava leaves can be used for the treatment of blemishes – like red or dark spots on the face. They are a tonic agent which helps with reducing irritation by killing the microscopic organisms.
Method of treatment:
 Dried guava leaves are used in cases of atopic dermatitis. Grind them and add them to a tub of warm water – they will relieve the itching and redness and make you feel more comfortable.
In all the other aforementioned cases, crush a couple of leaves and add them to a saucepan of boiling water. When the color gets red and it looks enough concentrated, take it away and leave the mix to cool. After that, apply the tonic on the face with a cotton ball. Leave it for about 15 minutes and wash your face with lukewarm water. The treatment should be done at least twice a week.


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