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Showing posts from February, 2017
खोये हुए मर्दाना शक्ति को वापस पाए आयुर्वेद में सेहत का खजाना छुपा है। अक्सर ही लोग नादानियों के चलते शारीरिक शक्ति व क्षमता खो देते हैं, ऐसे में घबराने की जरूरत नहीं है, हम आपको ऐसी ताकतवर खुराक की रेसिपी बताने जा रहे हैं जिसे खाने से आपमें शक्ति लौटेगी। यकीन मानिए राजा महाराजा भी इस चीज को खाया करते थे। यहां पढ़ें उड़द दाल के लड्डू बनाने की आसानी रेसिपी – सामग्री – उड़द दाल – 400 ग्रसम घी – 400 ग्राम छोटी इलाइची – 10 पिस्ते – 10 ग्राम काजू, किशमिश, बादाम – 100 ग्राम बूरा या मिसी हुई मिश्री – 300 से 400 ग्राम ऐसे बनाएं – उड़द दाल को साफ कर तीन से चार घंटे के लिए पानी में भिगो दें। – भीगी हुई दाल को हल्का मोटा पील सें और कढ़ाई में देसी घी में लगातार चमचे से चलाते हुए भून लें। – दाल को ब्राउन होने तक भूनें, इसमें थोड़ा समय लग सकता है। – अब गैस बंद कर दें और भुनी हुई दाल में बूरा मिला लें। – इसमें बारीक कटे काजू, बादाम, पिस्ता, इलाइची पाउडर डाल कर मिलाएं। – अब लड्डू बनाने के लिए मिश्रण तैयार है। मिश्रण को दोनों हाथों म...

Your Bottled Water is Filled With Fluoride! Learn What Brands to Avoid!

Your Bottled Water is Filled With Fluoride! Learn What Brands to Avoid! Puran You may have heard about some of the buzz surrounding fluoride. Its negative effects, according to research, appear to have become severe. The downsides of fluoride use have been brought to light and are now being discussed worldwide. Fluoride is found in many public water products, and may pose some serious health threats. If you’re a bottled water connoisseur, you’ll want to read on. Experts have been arguing for years about whether or not fluoride in drinking water is toxic to humans. Recent studies have finally shown evidence that it is. Extremely high levels of fluoride have been shown to cause neurotoxicity in adults, resulting in negative impacts on memory and learning. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and China Medical University in Shenyang combined 27 studies, finding strong indications that fluoride also adversely affects cognitive development in children. A study pub...
Use Guava Leaves To Beat Wrinkles, Acne, Dark Spots And Skin Allergies All of us have had some skin issues, like wrinkles, acne, dark spots or blemishes. But we don’t need to have a cosmetic procedure every time an issue appears, because there are natural alternatives that can act even better, like guava leaves. Guava leaves are an effective way to treat your skin. Here are 4 ways in which you can use them: Cure atopic dermatitis  These leaves can help with the redness and irritation caused by atopic dermatitis. They also contain anti-allergic abilities that prevent the creation of histamines (chemicals that cause the itching, sneezing and swelling allergy symptoms). Acne treatment  The American Journal of Chinese Medicine has published a study which confirms that guava leaves are great against microscopic organisms (acne), because of their antibacterial abilities. Besides eliminating acne, the use of guava leaves soothes the skin and reduces pimples. Wrinkle...